“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him.”
Please join us in prayer for:
Pray for the physical and spiritual health of more than 625,000 children we are feeding together.
Ask God to provide an outpouring of resources as we seek to physically and spiritually feed even more children every day in 2025.
Pray for the people on the ground who are working tirelessly to distribute food, aid, and the gospel.
Pray that the love of Christ would shine mightily through them as they show the world’s hungriest children that a full life feels good.
Prayer Request Form
We would be honored to pray for you, so please share your personal prayer requests with us using the form below.
“I am very concerned that My church and My children are dying of hunger before I return, and I want you to do something about it.”
God’s Commission to Dr. Sumrall
Our founder, Dr Lester Sumrall, heard God’s calling to feed the hungry in 1987. He dedicated himself to doing the Lord’s work, alleviating suffering and bringing hope to some of the most hungry and desperate places in the world. With God at the centre, Dr. Sumrall created Feed The Hungry. He led by example and dedicated his birthday (February 15th) to praying over his team, the mission, and all the families that FTH was feeding at the time.
We have continued in his dedication to prayer during February. While we pray over our work, we invite you to send us your requests and we will keep and include you in our prayers!